Warrior Woman Oracle Title

A 44-card oracle deck created for the modern Warrior Woman for inspiration, illumination, healing and transformation in today’s world.


warrior woman in the sun with an eagle and the word spirit

1. Eagle Warrior - Vision

Eagle Warrior brings you a message – the world is wide open to you now. It is time to create a higher vision for your life. Are you ready to leave your familiar and (un)comfortable nest, spread your wings and fly?  

Warrior woman with a red flower in her hair

2. Joyful Warrior - Joy

Joyful Warrior is here to remind you to lighten up and have some fun! She invites you to make time for pleasure and play, and to bring more joy and fun into your life.

warrior woman half in shadow and half in light

3. Dawn Warrior – Beginning

Dawn Warrior comes to you to herald in the start of something new in your life. You may have completed a cycle, finished a project or ended a course of study, or you may be ready for a new challenge or wish to start a new project or venture.

Warrior woman with one blue eye and one brown eye

4. Wise Warrior – Wisdom

Are you letting your head rule your heart or your heart rule your head in a current situation? With one blue eye and one brown eye, Wise Warrior reminds you there is a need for balance between intellect and emotion.

warrior woman with a large headdress and the word adventure

5. Venture Warrior – Quest

Venture Warrior brings a message of encouragement to be brave and bold in pursuing a new quest or adventure. Allow the fiery spirit of inspiration to enflame your desires and help you to forge your dreams into reality.

warrior woman with beautiful flowers

6. Embrace Warrior – Self Love

Embrace Warrior is here to remind you that self love is the path to greater happiness and contentment. It’s time to stop judging or measuring yourself against other people… In fact, stop judging or measuring yourself at all! 

warrior woman who is sad

7. Smiling Warrior – Vulnerability

Smiling Warrior has come to support you to express your true feelings about a particular situation or challenge in your life. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ feelings. Every emotion is valid and needs to be expressed in a healthy way. 

warrior woman with flowers in her hair and a hummingbird

8. Angel Warrior – Affirmation

Angel Warrior reminds you to be present to these signs and synchronicities. They are sent to let you know that you are in alignment with your soul’s desires, and to affirm you in your decisions and actions.


warrior woman with a serious face and feather headdress

9. Arrow Warrior – Determination

You have a clear goal or direction and are determined to get there. At times it may feel like you aren’t progressing quickly enough, or obstacles are blocking your path. Arrow Warrior is encouraging you to stay the course.

warrior woman with large pink earrings and red head covering

10. Emerald Warrior – Love

If you have been desiring romantic love, are struggling in a current relationship or have recently separated from a partner, Emerald Warrior comes as a reminder that unconditional love starts with the self.

warrior woman with large white flower and black and white background

11. Brave Warrior – Courage

Brave Warrior has come to remind you that courage cannot exist without fear. True bravery is not about being fearless, but about acknowledging your fears with compassion and acceptance.

warrior woman with two birds on swings as earrings and eyes closed an owl sits near her head

12. Bird Warrior – Perspective

Bird Warrior will support you to rise above your current situation and see it from a higher perspective. Release your attachment to a particular outcome and allow Divine grace to flow into your situation.

warrior woman with green headdress and sun on her face

13. Tribal Warrior – Connection

The soul longs to find similarities, connection and oneness. Tribal Warrior encourages you to look for connection in your current support networks or by making meaningful new connections.

geisha looking warrior woman with a half cover blue face

14. Masked Warrior – Authenticity

Masked Warrior encourages you to lift the veil and reveal your truth. Be honest with yourself or another. Now is the time to speak up, to become more authentic in your words and actions, and to show your true feelings.

warrior woman resting her head on her hand diamonds feature on the card

15. Mindful Warrior – Presence

Mindful Warrior invites you to be present to the ‘power of now’. When you are constantly focused on the past or the future, you miss out on the beauty of the present moment.

warrior woman with a large hibiscus in her hair and a zebra standing behind her

16. Equine Warrior – Uniqueness

The need for human belonging and connection is strong, but at times you can risk losing your individuality and independence. Equine Warrior comes as a reminder to embrace your uniqueness.

sleeping warrior woman with a painted face and feather headdress

17. Dream Warrior – Imagination

Dream Warrior knows life is more delicious when you dream. When you switch off to the world and turn inward for a while, you allow space for inspiration and imagination to find you.

warrior woman with eyes closed, a red circle on her third eye chakra and one feather in her hair

18. Harmony Warrior – Alignment

Harmony Warrior invites you to pause, be still and connect with your intuition and inner wisdom. Ask if your current direction, actions or behaviours are serving your highest good.

warrior woman with a crown like headdress - her face is unpainted

19. Abundant Warrior – Fertility

You have been envisioning your desires and dreams for many moons. Now is the time to bring them into material form. Abundant Warrior invokes the Divine Feminine energy of fertility and creation to support you as you birth your ideas into life.

warrior woman with red paint over her eyes and large earrings like Libran weights - there is an owl

20. Balance Warrior – Equilibrium

Balance Warrior invites you to look at all aspects of your life to see if you have a healthy balance of work, rest, play, connection and self care. She supports you to find equilibrium, and to reset the scales if your life is tipping too far in any one direction.

Warrior woman with a cross on her forehead and lots of yellow on the card

21. Faith Warrior – Belief

Faith Warrior encourages you to keep the faith and know your current experience of suffering or struggle is your soul’s path to growth and healing. Know that everything is happening as it should for your highest good.

Warrior woman with a feather headdress and blue paint above the eyes

22. Ocean Warrior – Surrender

Ocean Warrior comes to you as a sign to surrender. Lie back and feel yourself floating on the surface of the Ocean. Let go of your resistance to this current circumstance and give up your need to know or control the outcome. 

warrior woman with a masked red face

23. Fire Warrior – Passion

Fire Warrior breathes life into the deepest stirrings of your heart. She comes to fan the burning embers and spark renewed passion for a project, connection or interest. 

warrior woman with eyes closed and a spanish looking headdress

24. Spirit Warrior – Channel

Spirit Warrior comes with a message to tune into the sacred connection you have with life beyond the physical plane by creating stillness in the mind and body. The wisdom and grace of the Divine will flow to you as a channel of inner knowing and peace. 

warrior woman with large red butterfly in her hair and red background

25. Hope Warrior - Hope

Hope Warrior comes as a sign to take action to bring positive change to your life. She invites you to emerge from your cocoon and begin to create change in your own life through inspired action. Transformation starts one step at a time. 

warrior woman with blue green head covering and face

26. Envy Warrior – Judgement

Allow the healing waters of Envy Warrior to flow to you now and release you from whatever is keeping you anchored to negative judgements about yourself or others. Let the old stories fall away like shipwrecks on the ocean floor. 

warrior woman with facial paint markings looking over her should

27. Jungle Warrior – Agility

At times, life’s challenges can seem impossible to overcome. They may appear as impenetrable as a jungle. Jungle Warrior assists you to become agile and skillful in navigating your current situation. She reminds you to be flexible and thoughtful in your choices.

warrior woman with closed eyes and head tilted to the side - writing that says sometimes you can get stuck in the story

28. Silent Warrior – Retreat

Silent Warrior invites you to consider whether it is time to switch off for a while and create a place of stillness and serenity in your day. She will support you to hush the internal chatter within your environment and your mind. 

Geisha looking warrior with painted face and the word shine on her dress

29. Shining Warrior – Confidence

Shining Warrior will support you to let your inner light shine. Dare to shine your light brightly and discover the great joy of your creative soul alive in the world. 

Blue warrior woman with fair hair and a bauble crown

30. Ancient Warrior – Lineage

Ancient Warrior encourages you to call on, and learn from, the wisdom of your ancestors, known and unknown, and to seek spiritual support and guidance to grow and heal. 

warrior woman with flowers, butterflies and other shapes almost camoflaging her face

31. Life Warrior – Wholeness

Life Warrior invites you to look more closely at your life and relationships and find the blessings, even in the most challenging or difficult circumstances.

Warrior woman with flowers in her hair and bright almost florescent markings on her face

32. Rhythm Warrior – Vibration

Rhythm Warrior supports you to make big, bold and beautiful steps on your soul’s path. As you tune into the rhythm of whatever calls to you, Spirit will align the energies of your creative endeavours.

warrior woman predominantly red looking up

33. Soulful Warrior – Empathy

Soulful Warrior invites you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and walk their path. Empathy comes from deep listening and connection to the soul of the other. 

Warrior woman with painted tears flowing down her face

34. Crying Warrior – Feeling

Crying Warrior reminds you to acknowledge your feelings and process your emotions. It’s important and healthy to grieve your disappointments and hurts.

pink warrior woman with a rose in her hair

35. Rose Warrior – Beauty

Rose Warrior reminds you to look beyond the surface and to recognise that your vulnerabilities, imperfections and scars are beautiful and contribute to the rich canvas that is you.

warrior woman with eyes closed and a headdress of feathers

36. Rising Warrior – Rebirth

Rising Warrior has come to signal that you are ready for a rebirth or renewal in an area of your life. Just as the Phoenix defies death by being reborn from the ashes, you are ready for deep transformation. 

Frida-inspired warrior woman with flowers in her hair and long gypsy earrings

37. Gypsy Warrior – Wander

Gypsy Warrior is a nomadic soul searcher. She comes to you to ignite your curiosity and sense of adventure. She calls you to follow her on a soulful journey, leaving behind the (dis)comfort and familiarity of what you know. 

Warrior woman in the thinker's pose with a feather headdress and bare chest - the word trust is on the card

38. Truth Warrior – Integrity

Truth Warrior reminds you to trust in that which you know is right for you; what you hold to be true. Of course, consider external information, but make a decision from a place of your own inner wisdom and integrity. 

green semi camouflaged warrior with butterflies, rainbow earrings and the words 'bee kind' on the card

39. Earth Warrior – Grounded

Earth Warrior invites you to become grounded into the deep, rich earth and connect more deeply to the natural cycles of birth, life, death and re-birth. To observe and honour the diversity of each season. 

Warrior woman with a pink head covering and rainbow reflection on her face and lips

40. Rainbow Warrior – Inspiration

Rainbow Warrior supports you to connect to the ever-flowing waterfall of infinite possibilities. The many vibrant colours of the rainbow reflect the rich diversity of choices and pathways you can explore to find inspiration, transformation and joy. 

warrior woman with large red butterfly in her hair and red background

41. Creation Warrior – Alchemy

Creation Warrior calls you to combine your own unique blend of gifts, knowledge and experiences into a creative project, direction or endeavour. Transform your life experience into life-giving magick in the world. 

Dark warrior woman almost camouflaged with crows

42. Crow Warrior – Ending

Crow Warrior comes to support you in releasing whatever it is that must end. Every ending comes with loss, pain and sadness. Grief is a necessary rite of passage to acknowledge and process what’s gone, so you can open yourself up to new beginnings.

Green faced warrior woman with a butterfly neck tie and lily pads in her headdress

43. Freedom Warrior – Liberation

If you are feeling overwhelmed or trapped by a particular situation, relationship, behaviour or pattern at this time, Freedom Warrior has come to support and empower you to find solutions and liberate you from this place of challenge. 

warrior woman almost camouflaged by a whale surrounded by sea, land and sky creatures predominantly blue and purple with red and yellow aspects

44. Whale Warrior – Purpose

Whale Warrior comes to you now to help you find and sing your Soul Song. What lights you up? What are you passionate about? What do you love doing? What’s important to you? 

Photo of Annette

About the Creator

Annette Loughlin-Smith lives on Dharawal country in Bulli, New South Wales. She works with words, creativity, energy, sound, intuition, and divination to support individuals on their life journeys. Annette is a Reiki Master and counsellor, and offers group workshops in energy healing, writing and creativity. With over 30 years experience in media, marketing and communications, Annette also supports individuals and businesses in creative strategy, branding and marketing. Annette self-published, The Path of the Warrior Journal in 2017.